• 一煲多用 操作方便
o 具有煮饭、煲粥、炖汤、焖烧、蒸等烹调功能。轻轻一按选择菜单.
o 自动完成烹调过程。烹调结束鸣响提示后,自动进入煲温状态
o 设有24小时预约功能, 设定时间后, 进入倒计时, 当倒计时间完成,自动开始工作。
o 设有停电记忆功能, 当工作过程中停电, 来电后自动执行原程序工作。
• 快速烹饪 省时节电
o 采用高压(高温)烹调,使食物在高温高压下快速煮熟,省时节电。
o 高原地区也能煮熟饭。
o 煲粥、炖汤、焖烧难熟食物比普通电饭锅省时40%以上,节电45%以上。
• 锁住营养 保健卫生
o 采用全密封烹调技术,充分保留食物营养,原汁原味。
o 采用110~115℃高温烹饪,杀菌,保健卫生。
o 烹调过程不冒气,煲粥、炖汤不溢出,环境洁净。
• 结构先进 安全无忧
• 容量大:公制 - 5公升(10 Cups);美制 - 5.283 quart(qt)。
• 全不锈钢内锅。
• 多种烹调功能:煮饭,煲粥,炖汤, 焖烧,做蛋糕样样能。
• 全自动烹调:烹调结束, 自动保温。
• 24小时预约功能, 设定时间后,进入倒计时,倒计时间完成,自动开始工作。
• 烹饪时间自选: 自选99分钟之内任何烹饪时间, 任何难煮的东西都没有问题
• “口感"键: 使用“口感"键延长或缩短预设的烹饪时间, 以满足您的个人品味
• 省时节电:煲粥、炖汤、焖烧节电60%以上,工作时间缩小40%。
• 烹饪效率更好, 煮粥沸腾后只需要1分钟全部完成
• 全密封烹调:烹调时不放气, 食物营养保存率高,原汁原味,饭质松软可口。
• 清洗方便:内胆可拿出。
• 安全:七重保护装置。
• 最新设计最新技术,非常可靠。
• 电压:110V
• 频率:60HZ
• 尺寸:宽28cm, 高28cm
• 内锅容量:5公升(10 Cups)
• 内锅直径:22cm
• 重量:12lb
• 加热功率:900W
• 工作压力:0-70kpa
• 限压压力:90kpa
• 保温温度:60-80摄氏度
• 预约定时:0.5-24小时
美食牌全自动电压力煲是集高压锅与电饭煲功能于一体的新型炊具,概括起来讲它具有结构先进,节省空间、造型新颖,功能齐 全,操作方便,安全可靠,省时节电,保持营养等八大特点。
第一,“结构先进”:美食牌全自动电压力煲采用最先进的现代电子技术和人工智能化控制。有多种烹调功能,自动烹调,全密封烹调,自动保温, 省时节电,又安全。
第三,“造型美观”:美食牌全自动电压力煲5公升 容量,采用全不锈钢加黑色锅盖、把守、转钮的配置,黑白庄重,线条顺畅,摆得上桌面拿得出手。我还很少听说有人愿意把高压锅整天放在桌面上,大多是用完了就赶快收起来,恐怕有碍观瞻。而美食牌全自动电压力煲却可以成为您家厨房的一个“新景点”,不但不必藏,还可以Show给别人了。如果再与美食牌豆浆机或其他果汁机之类放在一起,不仅是一道厨房智能化的“风景线”,还多少有那么一点“整装待发”、“时刻(食客)准备着”的雄壮感。
7、自动烹调. 结束自动进入保温。
• 设有开、合盖安全装置,确保锅盖与锅体扣合不到位不能上压,锅内有气不能开盖;
• 设有压力控制装置,当使用过程中超出设定的压力值时,断开电源,使压力稳定在安全的压力范围内使用;
• 设有限压安全装置,当锅内控温,控压失灵,超出最大工作压力时,限压排气阀自动排气;
• 有防堵安全装置,防止食物堵塞,保证排气顺畅;
• 有安全卸压装置,当限压装置失灵,锅内升到极限压力值时,锅盖周边自动排气卸压,不会发生爆锅现象;
• 有限温装置,当内锅空烧或内锅超过设定温度时,自动切断电源;
• 设有超温保护装置,当锅内温度升到极限温度时,自动切断电源。
第八,“保持营养”:美食牌全自动电压力煲的好处真是够多了,但有一点还是要说一下,就是它的营养保护功能也是“大大的”。 现在讲究不仅要吃得美味,还要吃得健康。美食牌全自动电压力煲其实也是“健康牌” 全自动电压力煲,它采取全密封烹调,食物营养保存率高,做饭则松软可口,做菜则原汁原味。
1. 选购电压力锅可根据个人的喜好而定。机械式电压力锅和微电脑式电压力锅的控制方式不同,使用效果基本一样,前者操作复杂旋转机械旋钮手感不好不流畅,后者方便直观工作过程为量化显示操作手感好,符合厨房现代化趋势,价格高一些。
2. 电压力锅的规格与人口数量:5升的电压力锅适合1-6人家庭做饭炖菜煲汤。
3. 性能方面要着重检查内锅与电热盘接触是否良好、通电发热是否正常,此外还要检查功能开关、轻触式按钮是否正常。旋动调节器和定时器动作应自如,加热和保温指示灯相应亮灭,定时器倒计时完成后能自动启动开始工作等。电源线和电源插头绝缘要良好,无氧化锈蚀等。
4. 电压力锅安全装置的性能很重要,因为安全性能的优劣直接影响其使用性能。首先检查锅盖的密封圈应无变形和龟裂,将锅盖嵌到锅体端口,定向旋转锅盖手柄至定位位置,锅盖应密封良好。查看浮子阀、排气阀、安全阀、防堵罩安装要牢固可靠,金属外表面光亮无氧化锈蚀等。最后,注水通电试锅,加热到预定温度,排气阀能正常排气,定时器倒计时完成后能自动启动压力锅开始工作。
5. 说明书、相关标识及安全提示详尽齐备与否代表了企业的责任心,并能保证消费者正确安全的使用。因此对此项检查也不可疏忽。
• 一忌选用不当。首先是要选择购买有品质的压力锅,一定要挑有牌号、有厂家、有说明书的、质量合格的压力锅。不要购买冒牌货。压力锅从原材料上分,一般分为铝制的、铝合金的和不锈钢的三种。三种各有其特点:铝制的重量轻、传热快、价格便宜,使用寿命可达20年以上。但是使用它无疑要增加铝元素的吸收量,长期使用它对健康不利。铝合金的要比纯铝制品好一些,耐用、结实。不锈钢压力锅虽则贵了一些,但它耐热、美观,不易和食物中的酸、碱、盐起反应,而且使用寿命最长,可达30年以上。所以,哪怕一次多花点钱,也最好买个不锈钢的。
• 二忌不学就用。有人买了高压锅,不看说明书不学,拿起来就用,这是不推荐的!初次使用压力锅,必须阅读压力锅使用说明书。一定要按说明书要求去做,或者向懂行人请教。万不可不学就用。
• 三忌用前不查。使用时,首先要认真检查排气孔是否畅通,安全阀座下的孔洞是否被残留的饭粒或其他食物残渣堵塞。若使用过程中被食物堵塞,则应将锅移离火源,强制冷却后,清洁气孔才能继续使用,否则使用中食物会喷出烫伤人。要定期检查密封垫圈是否老化,老化请跟我们商店定购及时更新。美食压力煲的密封垫圈为高级食用级硅胶,非常耐用大多数情况下可以连续使用几年。
• 四忌盛装过满。使用高压锅放食物原料时,容量不要超过锅内容积的五分之四,如果是豆类等易膨胀的食物则不得超过锅内容积的五分之三。
• 五忌中途开盖。在加热过程中,绝不可中途开盖,免得食物爆出烫人。应在自然落气或人工落气后开盖。
Manufacturer: Useta Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd
Mfg Part#: BT900XL5
UPC: 713757582506
UPC 14: 00713757582506
Package Weight: 12 lbs
Combining the feature of a rice cooker and a pressure cooker, Gourmet Electric
Pressure Cooker is truly multi-functional. You can use it to cook rice, porridge,
soup, stew, meat, chicken, beef, beans, etc., all with just a simple menu selection in
a fast, energy efficient, clean and quite way! With this cooker, you can put many of
your old cooking equipments away, and you are sure to feel that your kitchen is a
lot more spacious and orderly! Finally, this pressure cook uses a food-grade
stainless steel inner pot. All surfaces in contact with food are made of stainless
steel. Please note that most other electronic pressure cookers use inner pot with
nonstick coating.
- Cooks automatically. Absolutely no manual operation required during
- Cooks cleanly. No jet steam like that of conventional pressure cooker
- Cooks everything: rice, porridge, chicken, meat, stew, ribs, etc.
- Cooks intelligently with optimized programs
- Cooks quickly. Saves time and energy by 40-60%
- Cooks quietly. None of the loud noises created by conventional pressure
- Digital display of remaining cooking time
- Large capacity: 5 liters or 1.5 gallons or 6 quarts
- One year US warranty
- Power rating: 110V 60Hz 900W
- Preset timer up to 24 hr before cooking
- Removable stainless steel inner pan
- Safe to use with multiple safety mechanisms
Product Attributes
- Appliance Color: Stainless
- Electric Power Supply: Cord
Limited time offer: Free pressure ring ($12.99 value)
More details
Do you ever wish that your kitchen was more spacious so that you can keep your
constantly increasing number of cooking equipments in order? Do you ever dream
that, even better, someone would actually cook for you everyday? Don't you wish
that your utility bill would go down in face of the current high energy cost?, And
don't you wish that there was less oily steam or smoke from your cooking to
pollute your kitchen and house?
Well, the good news is that, with Gourmet® Automatic Electric Pressure Cooker,
your wishes and dreams are now one step closer to reality! Gourmet® Automatic
Electric Pressure Cooker is a product of modern science- a dream cooking
instrument that you'll be glad to own.
Combining the feature of a rice cooker and a pressure cooker, Gourmet® Electric
Pressure Cooker is truly multi-functional. It is a rice cooker, a braising cooker, and
a pressure cooker! You can use it to cook rice, porridge, soup, stew, meat, ribs,
chicken, beans, etc., all with just a simple menu selection! With this cooker, you
can put many of your old cooking equipments away, and you are sure to feel that
your kitchen is a lot more spacious and orderly!
Easy to use
Gourmet® Automatic Electric Pressure Cooker cooks fully automatically. There are
multiple pre-set cooking selections on the control panel. These cooking settings
are fully optimized according to traditional Chinese cooking and are designed
based on the experience of famous Chinese chefs who are part of the design team.
All you need to do is to measure in the ingredient you would like to cook, close the
lid and push a button to select the desired cooking cycle. The deluxe electric
pressure cooker will finish the rest. It would automatically control temperature
and pressure- absolutely no manual operation is needed during cooking. After
cooking, the cooker automatically enters the "Keep warm" status. With
Gourmet® Automatic Electric Pressure Cooker, you no longer have to keep
checking whether the food is cooked. It is like having an experienced chef doing a
large part of cooking for you all the time, and always perfectly!
New features
- You can conveniently preset your cooker up to 12 hours before actual
cooking. Cooking is easier than ever.
- You can easily select 1 of the 7 cooking functions by pressing 1 button.
- The cooker will display cooking function, cooking time, and the remaining
cooking time precisely.
- The cooker will automatically keep the food warm after cooking is finished.
- The cooker comes with stainless steel inner pot. No more Teflon. Best for
your health.
Time, money, nutrient, and environment saving
Gourmet® Automatic Electric Pressure Cooker is NOT the traditional pressure
cooker that you can find in supermarkets or department stores. Traditional
pressure cookers let out steam to balance internal pressure during cooking. In
contrast, Gourmet® Automatic Electric Pressure Cooker is equipped with a
thermal and pressure sensor that will turn on and off heating automatically.
Therefore, the cooker does not let out steam during cooking. Because of this:
- The cooker has very high thermal efficiency. It generally reduces your
cooking time by 40% and saves energy by 60%. Overtime, it saves a lot of time
and money that you could spend on something else.
- The cooker preserves the nutrients and flavors of the food.
- The cook preserves the vivid color of your vegetables.
- The cooker is very quiet in comparison with traditional pressure cookers
which make loud noises.
- The cooker cuts down on oily steams that pollute your kitchen and home.
Reliable and Safe
Gourmet® Automatic Electric Pressure Cooker is equipped with the following built-
in safety devices in addition to the microprocessor automatic control of
temperature and pressure, which makes it the most reliable and safe pressure
cooker ever:
- Open/close lid safety device
- Pressure limit safety device
- Pressure release safety device
- Temperature control/protection device
Easy to clean
Gourmet® Automatic Electric Pressure Cooker is equipped removable stainless
steel inner pot. This makes cleaning easy.
This product is protected by our 1 year manufacturer's warranty.