The story happens in the Korean War in the autumn of 1952,the American troops lajnched a large-scale attack by the border between South Korea and North Korea while the Sino SinoAmer ican negotiation at Bamen Dian adjourned.The American representa-tives meant to steer clear of the futile negotiation by deispatching their troops to occupy Shanggangling Mount and Wesheng Shan Mountain,In that case,Zhang Zhong Fa,a company commander of Chinese Voluntary Army,led his troops to guard Shanggandling Mount.In andextreme difficult situation,they held on to guarding the position in 24 days and succeeded in dragging the force of the enemy so that the Chinese main forces were in an advantage situation to defeat the enemy.The American were forced to resume the neotiation and sign their names on the armistice paper.