zhang zhongjing 张仲景
Zhang Zhongjing, also known as Zhang Ji, was one of the most famous herbal doctors in Eastern Han Dynasty. His book Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases was the greatest achievement of the medical theory since Qin and Han Dynasty, which was applied broadly in medical practice. It was also one of the most significant books in medical science history. Owe to his brilliant contribution to medical science, Zhang Zhongjing was called “ the medical sage” by the descendants.
Zhu Zaiyu 朱载育
明代杰出乐律家、算学家和历学家,被西方赞誉为“东方百科艺术全书式的人物”。 朱载育越祖规,破故习,反判宋明理学,注重实践和实验,一生刻苦求真,呕心沥血,共完成《律学新说》、《算学新说》、《嘉量算经》、《乐律全书》和《醒世词》等二十多部立说巨著。
An eminent musicologist, mathematician and calendarist, who was honored to be “oriental personage of artistic encyclopedia type”. Zhu Zaiyu broke through the ancestral rules and the old customs, rebelled Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties. He held that practice and experiment were very important, excerting his utmost effort in researching for the truth. He completed New Musical Theory, New Mathmatical Theory, Jar-metric Principal, Complete Collection of Temperament, Awakening the World, etc. more than 20 monumental works.