01 把酒问青天 Lifting the wine cup and asking the heaven
02 对酒当歌 Sings while drinking
03 沙场夜光杯 The cup of phosphorescent
04 愁肠酒化思乡泪 The wine of homesickness
05 醉卧山水间 A drunken sleep among
06 滴酒倾相思 A drop of wine that expresses reminiscence
07 沽酒逢知己 The good friend
08 将进酒 Invitation to wine
09 月下独酌 The moon next
10 问酒杏花村 Asking about
11 阳关杯酒伤离别 The wine of departure in yangguan
12 隐士醉南山 The recluse gets drunk in the southern moontain
13 杯酒西风祭国殇