This series systematially displays the unique charms of Tibet,is the first Chinese documentary of Tibet with the guidance of human culture,it records vividly the uniqueness,reasonality and history of Tibetan civilization.Interesting stories,dulcet music,wise thoughts,reasonable deduction.The photographying and making of the documentary has won the support of the academic,religion and Tibetan scholars,won five prizes and the attension of the television industry.
一、神山圣湖 Holy Mountains and Lakes
二、桑烟飘洒 Gazing at the Potala
三、牦牛 青稞 酥油茶 Nomadic Life and Farming
四、遥望金顶 Architecture
五、雪城藏医 Tibetan Medicine of the Snowy Region
六、千年巧琢 Handicraft
七、袖舞凌空 Tibetan Oeras,Songs and Dances
八、佛陀弟子 Buddhist Disciles
九、挥洒丹青 Arl and Cultivation
十、交织的文明 A Mingled Civlization
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