Boluw UHF BW600 Professional wireless microphones
Professional UHF Wireless Microphone
Rack mountable (half rack)
Special Features:
- This professional UHF system comes with 2 Handheld Microphones with LCD display.
- Stage quality for performers.
- This UHF dual-Channel Wireless System provides you with proven performance and durability in a variety of settings, from churches to nightclubs to gymnasiums, from concert halls to broadcast booths and stadiums.
- This system has a total of three audio outputs, one of which is mixed output with standard 1/4" jack, the other two are balanced individual XLR outputs for each channel.
- Two of this systems can make a perfect 19" one-unit rack-mount so you can have 4 wireless microphones to work together.
- 优良的静音功能,高S/N比
- 闲置状态无噪音
- 频宽广,台式接收机加强型静噪,高信噪比
- 接收机开关无冲击,确保后级功放及扬声器安全
- 双频道设计,同时使用二支麦克风而互不干扰
- 优秀音质及更广传播声音范围
- 适用于中小型舞台、卡拉OK厅、家庭娱乐等场所
Key Specifications:
- Power Supply: DC 14V/400mA
- S/N ratio: > 100 dB
- Sensitivity: < 5 dB
- Audio Output Connector: Unbalanced 1/4" X1 + balanced XLR X 2
- Power consumption: 4 Watts
- Dimensions: 8 1/2" X 6 1/2" X 1 3/4"
- Weight: 4 lbs 2 Oz
- Power Supply: 9V
- Modulation mode: PLL Synthesized
- Maximum Modulation: ±25 KHz
- Output power: 30 mW
- Battery Life: 8 hours (continuous)
- Dimensions: 3 3/4" X 2 1/2" X 3/4"
Package includes:
- UHF Dual Receiver: 1
- Receiver antennas: 2
- Handheld Transmitter with Mic: 2
- 1/4" - 1/4" Cable": 1
- AC adaptor: 1 110VAC / 9V DC
- 9V battery: 2 PCS for test only.
- User manual: 1
- 本品自购买日起保修三个月
- 保修期内,若有下列现象恕不免费修理:
-- 未能出示保证书或购买凭证者;
-- 因拆装或改造而损坏者;
-- 因错误使用或人为摔打造成的损坏;
-- 非一般家庭使用(如长时间使用于恶劣的场所)所造成之故障或损坏者; - 超过保修期限,如需维修,则酌情收取零件及检修费
- 来回邮费自理
注: 美国以外地区需加收运费