中文介绍: 精美的青花人物风景圆肚瓷器瓶。瓶身描绘了学者们在松竹园中读书,吟诗,对弈的场景。人物栩栩如生,表情传神。瓶底略有磨损。此瓶装饰,收藏皆佳。
英文介绍:An exquisite blue and white Chinese porcelain vase, decorated with a gathering of scholars playing the chess and reading in a courtyard; pictorial mark on the bottom. Perfect for collection and home decoration.
Very fine hand painting.
尺 寸:8.2" x 8.2" x 14.2" inch/ 20.5 x 20.5 x 35.5 cm
重 量:5.28 lb / 2.4 kg
备 注:纯手工绘制,唯一的图饰