A lovely famille rose Chinese porcelain vase, brightly and vividly decorated in polychrome enamels with boys are playing in the garden; Chinese characters "hundred-boy picture" on the upper body; six- character mark in two columns on the bottom. Scenes in which a large number of boys are depicted know as the " hundred-boy picture". In a feudal society boys were privileged, receiving an education and thus gaining the opportunity to become civil officials. The desire to procreate many sons heavily influenced the decoration of Chinese artifacts. This theme was particularly popular for gift-giving in celebration of happy events. Here, the kids leisure time is portrayed with a sense of humor.
Stand is sold separately.
Very fine hand painting.
尺 寸:9.2" x 9.2" x 18" inch / 23 x 23 x 45 cm
总 重 量:10.22 lb / 4.6 kg
备 注:纯手工绘制