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1996年底,中華靈芝寶(現已更名為國藥准字“雙靈固本散”)誕生,從此標誌著新靈芝時代的開始。產品一上市就一鳴驚人。到2004年,雙靈固本散/中華靈芝寶 已經在全中國境內腫瘤患者群中,服用達100萬人。2000年,雙靈固本散 / 中華靈芝寶取得中國國家發明專利保護,一直到目前還是中國唯一獲得專利保護的靈芝製品。雙靈固本散 / 中華靈芝寶目前在中國主要針對的使用人群是腫瘤患者和腫瘤康復期病人。按照中國草藥的理論,雙靈固本散 / 中華靈芝寶能立竿見影的幫助患者提升機體的免疫功能;同時對機體沒有毒副作用;在聯合放,化療和手術等常規手段治療腫瘤是起到增效減毒的作用;根據西方醫學的原理,雙靈固本散 / 中華靈芝寶通過破壞癌細胞端粒脢,拓撲異構脢,啟動caspase-3脢活性等生物原理全面抑殺腫瘤細胞。這種具有雙項功能的腫瘤藥物相當罕見。雙靈固本散 /中華靈芝寶還是相當名貴的養生藥物,在延長壽命,提高老年人生活品質,全面延緩機體衰老效果顯著。
2002年,中國國家藥品監督管理局根據中華靈芝寶 / 雙靈固本散確切的理論基礎和實際功效,重新命名為雙靈固本散/ 中華靈芝寶並批准為中國國藥准字藥品。國藥准字B20020428.
雙靈固本散 / 中華靈芝寶六大功能:
1. 對危,重,晚期腫瘤病人的作用
2. 強大的抑瘤作用
3. 協同放化療作用
4. 全面提升機體的免疫作用
5. 明顯的抗突變作用,維持基因穩態
6. 對機體無毒副作用,並能保護正常生理功能
4.病情嚴重或體質虛弱不能或被迫停止放,化療者,經雙靈固本散 / 中華靈芝寶治療後,情況好轉可進行或恢復放,化療;
For 2,100 years, reishi mushroom has been revered for its wide variety of healing properties and lack of negative side effects. Originally, it was reserved for use by Chinese emperors. Now there are more than 100 reishi products available worldwide in the form of powders, capsules, teas, coffees and tinctures.
But only one reishi product has been clinically tested, patented and approved by the Chinese FDA for use in cancer treatment.
This product is called SunRecome.™
How is SunRecome™ different than all other reishi products worldwide?
SunRecome helps minimize the toxic side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
SunRecome helps inhibit tumor cells.
SunRecome works compatibly with radiochemotherapy treatments.
SunRecome has been tested in the world’s largest clinical study of a Traditional Chinese Medicine.
SunRecome outsells all other reishi products in China, where the most reishi products are sold worldwide.
SunRecome has been awarded three Chinese patents for extraction, processing and formulation.
SunRecome offers positive side effects, including increasing energy levels, stimulating a healthy appetite and enabling restful sleep.
SunRecome's manufacturer is ranked in the top 100 private high-technology enterprises and the top 50 industrial enterprises in the most densely populated manufacturing area of China.
SunRecome's manufacturer employs more than 4,000 people, including 600 medical and pharmaceutical experts and 500 technical personnel, located in 126 branch offices throughout 29 provinces.